Sort by Topic: Select a topic AcneAestheticsAlopeciaGeneral DermatologyHidradenitis SuppuritivaInjectablesMedical DermatologyMedical EducationPractice LifePractice MarketingProfessional DevelopmentPsoriasisPsoriatic ArthritisSkin CancerSun ProtectionViral Diseases All Q&A Rachel Printy, PA-C | AcneQWhat's the deal with adding on omega-3 supplementation in your isotretinoin patients?Jamie Restivo, MPAS, PA-C | AcneQWhat are hydrocolloid patches and how can they be used in clinical practice?Rachel Printy, PA-C | AlopeciaQIs oral minoxidil therapy more effective than topical minoxidil for patients with androgenic alopecia?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Psoriatic ArthritisQWhat are the differences between the ACR20 score and MDA score in regard to psoriatic arthritis?Jamie Restivo, MPAS, PA-C | General DermatologyQWhat can you recommend to promote lid hygiene?Kruti Gandhi, MPH, PA-C | Medical DermatologyQWhat is hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD)?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Sun ProtectionQShould certain types of patients use a particular type of sunscreen?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Medical DermatologyQMy patient has a biopsy-proven moderately dysplastic nevus with positive histologic margins - does this need an excision or can this site just be closely observed?Jamie Restivo, MPAS, PA-C | Sun ProtectionQWhat are the clinical implications of visible light?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Medical DermatologyQCan I use doxycycline instead of minocycline to treat CARP?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Medical DermatologyQMy patient has onychodystrophy that is bothersome - what do I do?Francine Phillips, PA-C, MPAS | Professional DevelopmentQA Journey into LeadershipJamie Restivo, MPAS, PA-C | AestheticsQIs Latisse the answer for darker, thicker, longer lashes? If so, at what cost?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Hidradenitis SuppuritivaQHow does topical resorcinol cream work and will it really help my patients with hidradenitis suppuritiva?Melissa Alcox, PA-C | Practice LifeQSeven reasons why dermatology is the best specialty for a PA/NPNina Copeland, APRN, FNP-C, CANS | Practice LifeQHow do you boost office morale in the clinic?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | AestheticsQIf topical minoxidil produced less than ideal benefit, even after 6 months of continuous use, is it worth trying oral minoxidil?Melissa Alcox, PA-C | Practice LifeQ7 Things to Consider Before Asking for a RaiseRachel Printy, PA-C | General DermatologyQHow should I dose hydroxychloroquine in my patients who need it and what monitoring is needed? What potential side effects should I discuss with my patients?Nina Copeland, APRN, FNP-C, CANS | Practice LifeQHow can I be more efficient when seeing patients?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | AlopeciaQHow I do it: Treating age-related eyebrow hypotrichosisMelissa Alcox, PA-C | Practice LifeQUsing Humor in DermatologyRachel Printy, PA-C | AlopeciaQCan I use the 5-alpha reductase inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride in women with certain types of hair loss?Nina Copeland, APRN, FNP-C, CANS | AestheticsQDo you have a favorite neuromodulator, or is it case dependent?Rachel Printy, PA-C | General DermatologyQWhat is an over-the-counter supplement shown to be useful in the treatment of excoriation disorders?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | PsoriasisQHow can you mitigate the gastrointestinal side effects of oral apremilast?Rachel Printy, PA-C | AlopeciaQDoes spironolactone use increase the risk of female breast cancer recurrence?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | Medical EducationQWhat are the phases of a clinical trial?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | Medical EducationQWhat is an MSL and what can an MSL do for me as a Health Care Provider?Danielle Marino, FNP-BC, MSN, ARNP | InjectablesQWhat items should be included in an office vascular occlusion kit?Rachel Printy, PA-C | Skin CancerQWhat is a cheap over-the-counter supplement that may help reduce skin cancer in high-risk patients?Cynthia Trickett, PA-C, MPAS | Viral DiseasesQWhat is monkeypox?Nina Copeland, APRN, FNP-C, CANS | Practice MarketingQHow do you drive patients into your practice?