All Webinars February 2025Medical DermatologyKristine Kucera, PA-C, MPAS, DHSThe Role of JAK and TYKJanuary 2025PsoriasisBari Genoa, PA-C, MPASHow to: Psoriasis Treatment EditionDecember 2024Suturing TechniquesTheresa Talens, DNP, FNP-CCommon Postoperative Complications to Avoid Related to Poor Suturing TechniqueNovember 2024Medical DermatologyT.J. Chao, MPAS, PA-CJAK Safety Demystified - Steps to Win Patient SupportOctober 2024Professional DevelopmentHeather Gates, PA-CWomen in Leadership: Climbing, Conquering, Ceiling ShatteringSeptember 2024PsoriasisKristine Kucera, PA-C, MPAS, DHSRaising Awareness of Comorbidities in Psoriatic DiseaseAugust 2024Suturing TechniquesTheresa Talens, DNP, FNP-C6 Surgical Cornerstones for Every ClosureJuly 2024Hidradenitis SuppurativaBari Genoa, PA-C, MPASBiologic Use in Hidradenitis SuppurativaJune 2024DermatofibromasAlissa Morrone, PA-CDermatofibromas: A Deeper DiveMay 2024AestheticsHeather Gates, PA-CNeuromodulator Induced "Spock Brow"April 2024ItchRachel Printy, PA-CItch Without a Primary RashMarch 2024Professional DevelopmentFrancine Phillips, PA-C, MPASLeadershipFebruary 2024PsoriasisBari Genoa, PA-C, MPASNonsteroidal Use in Eczema and PsoriasisJanuary 2024DermoscopyAlissa Morrone, PA-CDermoscopy: BCC, SCC, MelanomaDecember 2023VitiligoFrancine Phillips, PA-C, MPASVitiligoNovember 2023AcneJamie Restivo, MPAS, PA-CAcne Vulgaris: Clinical Updates and Pearls for Best PracticesOctober 2023PsoriasisRachel Printy, PA-CDouble Remissions of Guttate Psoriasis Following Short Courses of IL-17 InhibitorsSeptember 2023PsoriasisLauren Miller, MPAS, PA-CSmall Molecules: A Powerful Option in the Treatment of PsoriasisAugust 2023Pediatric DermatologyElizabeth (Lisa) A. Swanson, MDPediatric PsoriasisJuly 2023Hidradenitis SuppurativaKeri Holyoak, PA-C, MPHHidradenitis SuppurativaJune 2023Suturing TechniquesTheresa Talens, DNP, FNP-CHow to Minimize Scarring Using the Set-Back Dermal TechniqueMay 2023PsoriasisMark Lebwohl, MDTips on the use of anti-IL-17 Drugs in PsoriasisApril 2023Prurigo NodularisElise Bjelica, NP, MSN, AGPCNP-BCPrurigo NodularisMarch 2023Pediatric DermatologyElizabeth (Lisa) A. Swanson, MDHemangiomas!February 2023AlopeciaRachel Printy, PA-CFrontal Fibrosing AlopeciaJanuary 2023RosaceaElise Bjelica, NP, MSN, AGPCNP-BCUnderstanding RosaceaDecember 2022UrticariaRachel Printy, PA-CManagement of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria - Part 2November 2022UrticariaRachel Printy, PA-CDiagnosis and Management of Urticaria with a Focus on CSU - Part IOctober 2022PsoriasisMark Lebwohl, MDWhat's New in PsoriasisOctober 2022PA/NP EmergeRachel Printy, PA-C & Nina Copeland, APRN, FNP-C, CANSWelcome to PA/NP Emerge